Thursday, December 20, 2012

Benefits of Coffee

Coffee has gotten some good press recently - may lower risk of oral and prostate cancer, increases metabolism, boosts brain, opens airways...

The problem is the bulk of this country is turning toward a greater waste product from homeowner and office coffee making - Look at the latest trend and I will show you an new environmental disaster!

The waste from these single coffee makers (k-cup, keurig, etc.) is not recycled due to coffee grinds, and plastic, and foil thrown out together. This is a step back in the "greening" of America.  Plus, I can't see running boiling hot water through plastic, ugh! 
"the K cups are a mix of plastic, with a foil top and are neither recyclable nor compostable (unless you took the 9-11 grams out of every k cup and put it in the compost pile). According to SPI Guidelines, the plastic would be labeled a “7” – which is a catch-all category for newer plastics and combinations of plastics."

at a time when people are becoming more aware of the negative consequences of consumption, this latest trend is an oxymoron.

Here at the farm we use a stove top with a metal filter (or use the similar version that's electric) -everyone states how great the coffee is - step back in time for more natural taste and benefits of coffee!

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