Saturday, April 20, 2013

Earth Day & 25 years of Farming Sustainably on Ambrosia Farms

  while others compromise, we plant only by giving back each year to enrich the soil with composted horse manure, peat moss (very sparingly & only spot on) and all natural enrichment.  This year should be our best ever to celebrate 25 years of growing organically - nope - plastic not included.  We simply mulch around our plantings which is a further input to enrich the soil as it quickly composts - hay, grass clippings, etc.

Here is a list of 2013 plantings as we go

peas - monmouth sugar snap peas - trellis made by thehaystore - one side only - 18 ft
   2 rows approx 45 sds per row - rareseeds

garlic - planted last October - var rocambole type - uncovered mulch

fava beans - seeds of italy

herbs - dill, parsley,

edible flowers - nasturtium

lettuce - escarole

lettuce -

potatoes -

summer squash -

April hours and inputs

hours per day
4/22   4
4/23  5
4/24  5

jobs per hour
escavated composted manure from field
cut through grass and weed border of field
planted peas
planted favas
planted herbs
transplanted oregano near mint
weed mint
transplanted tiger lilies to clay pots
transplanted tiger lilies to field driveway
racked ditch in front of field and seeded with cottontails in ditch

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Today - the NYTIMES  story about " carnitine - found mostly in red meat and energy drinks and supplements used in body building is responsible for an increase in TMAO levels in the blood - made from a little-studied chemical that is burped out by bacteria in the stomach after people eat red meat. It is quickly converted by the liver into yet another little-studied chemical called TMAO that gets into the blood and increases the risk of heart disease..." According to the USDA all meats obtained from livestock are red meats because they contain more myoglobin than chicken or fish.  You'll need a track like this - run daily - in quick bursts of muscular output -  to try and repair cardiovascular damage caused by meat.