Here is a list of 2013 plantings as we go
peas - monmouth sugar snap peas - trellis made by thehaystore - one side only - 18 ft
2 rows approx 45 sds per row - rareseeds
garlic - planted last October - var rocambole type - uncovered mulch
fava beans - seeds of italy
herbs - dill, parsley,
edible flowers - nasturtium
lettuce - escarole
lettuce -
potatoes -
summer squash -
April hours and inputs
hours per day
4/22 4
4/23 5
4/24 5
jobs per hour
escavated composted manure from field
cut through grass and weed border of field
planted peas
planted favas
planted herbs
transplanted oregano near mint
weed mint
transplanted tiger lilies to clay pots
transplanted tiger lilies to field driveway
racked ditch in front of field and seeded with cottontails in ditch